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Customer Comments
Here is a sample of some of the unsolicited comments that find their way into our inbox from customers and visitors alike:

"I've just been "cruisin" around your web site... and I am very impressed!! Congrats to all involved as it is pleasant, effective AND FAST. I've dialed in via a 1-800 # from my cottage and your site is significantly faster as a result of its intelligent design than that of many others. Good job!"

"...your use of frames to organize the site is one of the best that I have seen so far. I just thought I would take time out to let you know this. Keep up the good work, it's refreshing to see a well designed Canadian site"

"We enjoy visiting your web site. The use of graphics and colours are great. Congratulations on a well-designed web site."

"...[our clients] are obviously pleased with the functionality of [our] Web Page. This just reinforces that you've done a GREAT job with the page. Cheers!"

"Thanks a bunch for your help ... fine job!"

"Recently, I visited your website and would like to pass along my compliments. As I entered your virtual front door, I immediately recognized your commitment to high quality products and service and could easily find my way around your site..."

If you have something to say we'd love to hear from you! Let us know your opinions by sending mail to comments@eyecom-vds.com!